
Current Investment Opportunities:

  • Monthly Partnership in our Mission to equip the Church to rise to her potential - because it takes the whole church to reach the whole world!
  • Rhema Europe Church Development Task Force: Our initial concept has met unanimous approval from national leaders. Now we move into the heavy lifting of developing a formal proposal for approval by the global team and implementing it in nation after nation. Your giving helps underwrite our future involvement in this critical and strategic work. (Note: European Pastors Project is our in-house name for this project, since the official name is not yet public.)
  • DCPI Online Training Strategy/Recording: The whole world will be online by 2027 and we are hustling to build the platform and resources to equip apostolic leaders and networks to train church planters to win the world for Christ. (Underwrite Next Training Recording: $2000.)
  • Publishing our worship book in 2025. ($5000)

Your giving, whether a one-time gift or recurring monthly, is an investment in the realized potential of the Church around the world! 

 (All donations from US donors are tax deductible.)


For Bank Transfers in Europe / Für Überweisungen in Europa:


Bank: meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG

IBAN: DE10711600000001588540