"I will BUILD my church" - Jesus (Matt. 16:18)

There is a lot more to building a thriving ministry than just showing up on Sunday. 

Too often leaders feel overwhelmed with the myriad of challenges confronting them. We have a vision, but struggle with the strategies to make it a reality.

Over and over, God has connected us with leaders who need an understanding and supportive partner to provide insights that will help get them over the hump and into the green pastures of thriving ministry. How can we help you?

  • Consulting

    We walk with leaders through the process of change and growth as they pursue the implementation of God-given vision and strategy - providing outside perspective, timely questions, and Spirit-led expertise to make the building of your dream move faster and avoid potential potholes along the way.

  • Mentoring

    We walk church planters through the envisioning, planning, and launch process to help them navigate the multiple priorities and challenges it presents. Our focus is to help the planter and their family to stay healthy (spiritually, emotionally, financially...) while birthing a healthy, life-giving, reproducing church.

  • Preaching OPtimization

    We coach communicators on multiple continents using a set of proven tools and techniques that assess your current communication and then boost your ability to effectively engage people with God's word.